TWISTING - Bürgerhaus Alte Feuerwache, Hennigsdorf 17. Oktober - 28. November 2024

The English word twisting encompasses numerous meanings, including turning, twisting, distorting, torturing, confusing or braiding, to name but a few. I devote myself to these terms both in terms of content and form. In my figurative paintings, people are depicted in various movements. They appear twisted, distorted, often isolated and fragmented or placed in fictitious spaces. Interpretations of general and personal states of mind are explored as well as political, social or cultural phenomena that are typical of our time and affect us all.
Opening on October 17 at 6 pm
Bürgerhaus Alte Feuerwache
Hauptstraße 3
16761 Hennigsdorf
Ortstermin - Art Festival Berlin / Moabit and Hansaviertel 20. - 22. Sept. 2024

The theme of this year’s art festival, which is organized by Kunstverein Tiergarten, is: Meat!
“Meat can also stand for a patriarchal world view and gender clichés. It starts with the fact that barbecuing is supposedly a ‚man’s thing‘, attractive female bodies are equated with a piece of meat because ‚only dogs play with bones‘ and culminates in the complete objectification of the female body in ‚meat inspection‘ in the context of sex work.”
My work group “Body Check” deals with the subject of women’s bodies in terms of self-optimization in order to meet the expectations of society and especially those of men, as well as with the aspect of “female flesh” as a commodity for the porn industry.
Grenzenlos Kunstverein(t) - Boundless art united, Kunstverein im Bochumer Kulturrat
07.09 - 19.10.2024
Berchtoldvilla Salzburg 08.11 - 19.12.2024

„Artistic expression is free“, according to UNESCO 2023.
What does this mean at a time when borders are being overcome or torn down, but at the same time new ones are being built, artists are being restricted in their work and persecuted in some countries?
„Boundless art united“ explores the freedom and boundlessness of art, its perspectives and alternatives in difficult times.
(Kunstverein im Bochumer Kulturrat)
48 Stunden Neukölln - Urbane Stille - Urban Silence: June 28-30 Neukölln Arcaden - Berlin

„How do we actually define silence and what role does it play in an urban space? Can we break out of the all-encompassing flood of sound in the city in order to enjoy silence or its desirability? What urban and architectural conditions would have to be met for this to happen? Is silence even possible and desirable in an urban environment? The annual theme for the 2024 festival edition calls for reflection on silence in urban spaces as well as on the physical and cultural significance of urban sound space. “ (Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V.)
Kulturnetzwerk Neukölln e.V.
Karl-Marx-Strasse 131
12043 Berlin
Loneliness sleeps under the clothes THE SPACE Contemporary Art Gallery, Budapest 5. Oktober - 10. November 2023

Ágnes Lörincz (1959), who has lived in Germany since 1985, last exhibited her works in Budapest in 2009.
One of the central themes in Lörincz’s work is the projection of consumer society onto the individual, the world of advertising, fashion and lifestyle and their social and political implications. His work blends conceptual art, pop art and the „new savages“. Her most recent works, which are being shown for the first time in Hungary at The Space, are self-reflexively linked to certain aspects of the role of women.
Her solo exhibition Loneliness Sleeps Beneath the Clothes is a contradictory collision of the existential state of loneliness and its relationship to the external and material aspects of life that affect people of all ages and walks of life today. On the one hand, our digital world has made it easier for us to communicate, but on the other hand, today’s human being is perhaps the loneliest in our history. As we have moved away from our roots and our existence in community, our connection to nature and our human bonds have become more superficial. Man struggles with fears and beliefs, closes himself off and tries to compensate for his abandonment with something: be it the desire to stand out, to take refuge in compulsive or substitute behaviour.
Lörincz draws both intellectually and aesthetically from the tradition of pop art. Her garish, pure-coloured pictures, reminiscent of consumer society fashion items and fashion magazines, are a reflection of the alienation of modern society and at the same time a protest against it. The introverted figures, the schematic portraits or the often faceless, mutilated deformations fill the surface alone and isolate themselves from one another. In the paintings, the depiction of the body recedes into the background; the focus of the pictures is on the empty items of clothing: The cropping, the collage character of the pictures and the pairing of the pictorial elements with textiles or even the depiction of the details of the clothing reflect this alienation. (cpyright: The Space)
Opening October 4 at 6.00 pm
The Space – Contemporay Art Gallery
Hattyú utca 16 (ground floor 4, bell 53)
H-1015 Budapest
Tel. 0036 30 9148 442
Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 12:00 – 18:00, or by appointment
ART CAMP 2023 - Bálványos / Romania, Rumänien

12 October – 20 October, 2023
The final group exhibition can be seen until the end of 2023. I am participating with two pictures, one of which was taken on site.
Ortstermin, art festival in Moabid, Gallery North, Kunstverein Tiergarten, Berlin 01 - 03 September 2023

My exhibition „From Dress to Image“ as part of the Art Festivals takes place in the Dering van Dieken – Konstümgestaltung tailoring studio. We work with fabrics in different ways: Carlotta van Dering and Marlene van Dieken tailor high-quality costumes and customised clothing, I am inspired by fabrics and let them become part of my painting. In addition to finished paintings, new paintings will be shown in which individual fabrics from the tailoring studio can be rediscovered in my paintings. Hanging them near the garments creates a dialogue, a new context. This kind of guest/play in the presentation will be extended with a performance on the opening day. The fabric can also be experienced as a costume on the body of the performance artist Oskar Mauricio in an action. The tailoring studio opens up for an interdisciplinary presentation with costumes, fabrics, painting and performance. Fabrics play the leading role here: they are worked, moved, reshaped, moved, changed, adapted and reorganised.
Dering van Dieken tailoring studio
Elberfelder Straße 29
10555 Berlin
Opening: 01.09. at 7.30 pm
Performance by Oskar Mauricio 02. 09. at 18.00 hrs
LuppArt Resindency 24. July - 6. August 2023

Artists‘ symposium on the island of Luppa on the Danube, near Budapest
Everything V / ALLES V, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin 4. Juli - 10. September 2023

The Studio im Hochhaus is one of the municipal galleries in the Lichtenberg district and is one of Berlin’s municipal galleries. The artists show small-format works.
Zingster Strasse 25
13051 Berlin
Telefon: 030 9293821
E-mail: info(at)
Grand Opening - Galerie Kunstkomplex Wuppertal - 26. Mai, 19-23 Uhr

Galerie Kunstkomplex has left the Hofaue and is opening its new gallery space at Marienstraße 19 on 26 May. To mark the opening, it is showing a group exhibition with many new works and cordially invites you to celebrate the reopening with it! Many of her artists will be travelling to the opening.
Marienstraße 19 // 42105 Wuppertal
Riot Of Colour India / Farbrausch Indien - Kulturhaus Karlshorst, Berlin
29. November - 8. Januar 2023

A trip to India inspired Agnes Lörincz to create this series of pictures. Part of her collages are the traditional hand-stamped fabrics used there, which are combined with figurative elements such as people, houses and animals.
Upheaval Zones / Umbruchzonen - Kunstverein im Bochumer Kulturrat e.V., Bochum
12. November bis 7. Januar 2023

The Kunstverein im Bochumer Kulturrat e.V. is showing new paintings and photographs by Agnes Lörincz and Lorant Szathmary. While Agnes Lörincz inspires with her conceptual approach and reduced painting style, Lorant Szathmary convincingly stages his motifs, which were taken with analogue cameras, in black and white. Both approach abandoned interior and exterior spaces in Berlin and Eastern Europe with great urgency. In doing so, they address highly topical issues such as flight, migration and, in the Berlin works, the ongoing gentrification of the capital.
Body With Dress / Körper mit Kleid, Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt, Berlin
27. Oktober - 16. Januar 2023

In her paintings, Agnes Lörincz deals with our consumer society of abundance and luxury. She transfers set pieces from the imagery of the media and advertising into her paintings as quotations. She combines the motifs she finds with the material presence of decorative fabrics, wallpaper and advertising banners. The seductive world of glamour and the promises of consumption, the omnipresent promises of beauty and sensuality, success and fame are broken in her work. The content distances itself from the original pictorial statements by exaggerating them and exposing them as clichés. In combination with the ornamental patterns, she creates a contemporary visuality.
Ortstermin, Kunstfestival in Moabid, Galerie Nord, Kunstverei Tiergarten, Berlin 26. - 28. August 2022
Gallery Hegyvidék, Budapest - Groupshow

Art Camp, Gallery Hegyvidék, Budapest, August 10 – 18, with final exhibition at the Hegyvidék Galeria, Budapest until September 03, 2022
ALLES IV Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin - Groupshow

June 2 – August 24, 2022
Zingster Strasse 25
13051 Berlin
Telefon: 030 9293821
E-mail: info(at)

ART CAMP 2022 - Bálványos / Rumänien
May 29 – June 05, 2022
The final group exhibition can be seen until the end of 2022. I am participating with three pictures, two of which were created there.
Balcony - Scholarship Neustart Kultur, VG Bild Kunst, 2021
Balkonien is a new painting project that deals with the question of how people furnish their own balconies. What does the design of the balcony say about its inhabitants and what longings, wishes and dreams are lived out there? Balconies have taken on new functions during the pandemic. During quarantine, they were an important connection to the outside world, a place to connect with other people, but also a place to remember the dead. Different and representative motifs are intended to show general social phenomena. I am particularly interested in large housing estates with many balconies, which differ from each other only in their individual design.
After research in Berlin and Brandenburg and an evaluation of the photographic material, a painted series of 20 pictures in the format 60 x 80 cm is to be created. It is not about an exact photographic reproduction of reality, but about a painterly interpretation of the motif with recognizable details. The medium of painting should come into its own. This series is not only a continuation of my preoccupation with architecture, but also a sociological study of people in my environment.


BRÜCHIGE FASSADEN Galerie Historischer Keller Spandau, Kommunale Galerien Berlin
June 16 – July 25, 2021
Group exhibition by Agnes Lörincz, Manfred Gipper and Lorant Szathmary
Painting – Installation – PhotographyI am showing a series of twenty-two small-format pictures that were created in Slovakia as part of the Bridge Guard scholarship in 2015. They show facades of abandoned and dilapidated houses on both sides of the Danube in the border region between Hungary and Slovakia.

From southern German modernism to international contemporary art – Daimler Art Collection at the Stuttgart-Untertürkheim site
February 18, 2019 – October 30, 2022
With my painting In Mondrian-Look, 2004, acrylic on canvas, 135 x 185 cm, I am participating in the new presentation of the Daimler Art Collection.

German, Berlin and international art 1950s to today – Mercedes-Benz Bank Service Center, Berlin February 18 – March 26, 2021
February 18 – March 26, 2021
With my painting Picknick, 2008, acrylic, fabric on canvas, I am participating in the new presentation of the Daimler Art Collection. Around 150 works can be seen in a different constellation and expanded with new works on 14 floors of the Mercedes-Benz Bank Service Center in Berlin. The new hanging of selected works can be seen until October 30, 2022.

Inspired by Tom Wesselmann from February 2021
My painting Zebra Shoes, 2015, oil, acrylic, fabric on canvas, 120 x 90 cm, is part of the online exhibition “Inspired by Tom Wesselmann” on
from February 2021

When fashion meets art – from Vogue to Van Gogh – from February 2020
Under this title many of my works can be seen on the site of
“February is all about fashion, so there’s no better time to highlight the artists on Singulart who are continuously attracting attention thanks to trendy, contemporary and fashion-inspired works. From classic styles to leggy models and A-list celebrities in the front row, discover the fusion of fashion and art.

Happy New Groupshow
Galerie Kunstkomplex Wuppertal January 18 – February 01, 2020

Agnes Lörincz und Lorant Szathmary -Travel and memory
Städtische Galerie Bad Wimpfen 15. September – 15. November 2019

30 years Künstlerhaus Heilbronn 11.10. – 27.10. 2019
Anniversary exhibition with works by members of the Künstlerhaus, exhibition on the history of the Künstlerhaus.

42103 Wuppertal

bobiennale Bochum
Festival of the independent scene Bochum June 13 – 23, 2019
“The bobiennale presents current artistic positions and makes them accessible to a wide audience. With the bobiennale, existing locations are rediscovered and the public can explore new places. For a moment, the bobiennale fills the gaps of missing presentation platforms. Especially for the highly creative and experimental areas of the artistic disciplines.” (bobiennale)

Paths, intersections, overlaps
Artists of the gallery show positions
July 7 – August 30, 2019
My painting Unschärfe, 2017, oil on canvas, 80 x 60 cm, is in dialog with a sculpture by Claude Stockinger.
Galerie Keim in Stuttgart
Marktstraße 31
70372 -Stuttgart

Focus Berlin and beyond – Galerie Keim Stuttgart solo exhibition
February 10 – April 20, 2019
Marktstraße 31
70372 -Stuttgart